Media supply chain

The definition of a media supply chain could be summarized as:

The process of creating, managing and delivering different types of digital media (video, pictures, etc.) from the points of origin – the content creator/provider/owned – to a destination, e.g. end-consumer/your clients/etc.

The meaning of a media supply chain is to have the right content created and delivered to the right platforms, for the right devices, to the right audience.

Managing your digital media

Digital media, especially video, was once a concern only for the media and entertainment industry (M&E) but is nowadays a prime focus for pretty much all industries and types of companies. The now and the future is digital, and if you don’t keep up and take control of your media supply chain management, you risk falling behind the market and all your competitors.

By signing up to the Vidispine scalable cloud-based platform VidiNet, you can take control of your media supply chain management where we help you solve some of the most complex challenges with media content management there is, regardless of your industry or size.

What are the challenges of media supply chain management?

The physical supply chain alone comes with a plethora of challenges, add on top of that the factor of the digital sphere and you can imagine the challenges of digital media supply chain management that exist.

The solution

So, how do you resolve these potential issues and challenges?

Unfortunately, there is no cure-all pill that will magically resolve all of them. A company will have to work hard with each individual challenge to optimize their media supply chain.

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However, there are ways and tools to help speed up this process and help take control of the media supply chain.

VidiNet is a completely scalable cloud-based digital media supply chain platform giving you access to a fully customizable metadata framework and transcoding functionality. The Vidispine digital media supply chain architecture can adapt to the requirements of any native cloud, on-premise or hybrid cloud environment. It gives you the ability to meet the above-mentioned challenges head-on and work towards resolving them completely.

Understanding the media supply chain workflow

The media supply chain workflow essentially consists of 5 steps:

Content acquisition

Media files and metadata can arrive to you in several different ways and shapes depending on your area of business. Either you create it yourself, or a 3rd party supply it for you.

Media processing

Most media files and metadata need some sort of processing into a house format before it becomes available and accessible in your media workflow. Master files, for example, might need to be transcoded into smaller and more lightweight proxy files.

Quality control

Quality control could refer to various things such as ensuring the correct codec, format or audio mapping for a file. Simply, making sure all the pieces of the file is in order preparing it for the editing process.


Editing a video and/or audio is the creative centre point in your media supply chain workflow where you edit your media files to fit a certain target group, platform or device, and simply prepare it for distributing it to your audience/customers.


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Lastly: the distribution/delivery of your media files. This process involves the preparation of both your media content as well as metadata where the files might need to be transcoded into different formats for distribution on different platforms and devices.

Take control of your media supply chain management with Vidispine
We provide you with easy access to technology that supports your business needs and media supply chain, applicable to all industries regardless of size and area of business. Contact us to get a free demo and more information, or let us help you create a customized trial based on your needs.